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How to Torture Your Teacher
Student 1:
Only raise your hand when
you want to sharpen your pencil
or go to the bathroom.
Repeat every ten minutes.
Student 2:
Never raise your hand
when you want to answer a question;
instead, yell, “Oooh! Oooh! Oooh!”
and then, when the teacher calls on you,
say, “I forgot what I was going to say.”
Student 3:
Lean your chair back,
take off your shoes, and
put your feet up on your desk.
Act surprised when the teacher
puts all four legs of your chair back on the floor.
Student 4:
Drop the eraser end of your pencil
on your desk.
See how high it will bounce.
Student 5:
Drop your books on the floor.
See how loud a noise you can make.
Student 6:
Get all your friends to join in.
Student 7:
Hold your nose,
make a face, and say, “P.U.!”
Fan the air away from your face,
and point to the kid in front of you.
Student 8:
On the last day of school,
lead your classmates in chanting:
“No more pencils!
No more books!
No more teachers’
dirty looks!”
Student 9:
Then, on your way out
the door, tell the teacher,
“Bet you’re looking forward
to summer vacation this year.
But I’ll sure miss you.
You’re the best teacher
I’ve ever had.”
The End
© 1997 by Bruce Lansky. Adapted from the poem in No More Homework! No More Tests!, published by Meadowbrook Press. This classroom theater play version of “How to Torture Your Teacher ” is © 2005 by Meadowbrook Press.
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